Nina Scott-Stoddart

Current Position


Toronto, ON, CA


1995 - 1998


Nina Scott-Stoddart

Nina Scott-Stoddart is an educator, performer, director, designer and producer of opera and musical theatre. A passionate advocate of demystifying “high” art and helping empower artists, she has spent 25 years teaching, mentoring and inspiring. As a professional mezzo soprano, Nina has sung with many orchestras and opera companies across Canada and the United States and in New Zealand. She has been recorded as a soloist by NAXOS and broadcast coast to coast on the CBC. Nina was the co-founder of Toronto’s Opera Anonymous, which produced over 20 well-reviewed works in its eight year history. Since relocating to Nova Scotia in 2002, Nina founded Maritime Concert Opera, which has just completed a very successful 14th season and the Halifax Summer Opera Festival, now entering its 16th year. Nina lives in Lunenburg with her husband, David, and their four cats, Emma, Katie, Beaumont and Fletcher.