
Rebecca Benjamin
(She/Her) Rebecca is a violinist of the Abeo Quartet and also is pursuing a DMA in viola
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Rebecca Benjamin

Rebecca Benjamin is an engaging and versatile musician who has made appearance across the United States and abroad. At home on both the violin and the viola, Rebecca is an active performer on both instruments. She recently participated in the Tokyo International Viola Competition as well as the Banff International String Quartet Competition. Rebecca has participated in the Gstaad Menuhin Academy, Prussia Cove Masterclasses, Music@Menlo, MISQA, Perlman Music Program, Aspen Music Festival, Norfolk Chamber Music Festival, Kneisel Hall Chamber Music Festival, and Caroga Lake Music Festival, working with numerous quartets such as Alban Berg, Brentano, Calidore, Cleveland, Emerson, Juilliard, Orion, and more. Rebecca graduated with bachelors and masters degrees from the Cleveland Institute of Music, and also holds degrees from the Yale School of Music and Univeristy of Delaware. Her teachers have included Hyo Kang, Jaime Laredo, Jan Sloman, The Vamoses, Elias Goldstein and Joel Smirnoff.



Classical Music


Higher Education