Hart Goldman

Abigail Hart Goldman
I am from Long Island, New York and I am currently finishing my senior year at Vassar College in Poughkeepsie, NY with a Major in Drama and Correlate in Music Performance. I knew I wanted to be a performer ever since I saw my first Broadway show at age 3 (It was Oklahoma!).
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Abigail Hart Goldman

At Vassar, I have had the amazing opportunity to study classical voice, classical and contemporary acting, and musical theater! I have had the chance to perform a wide range of roles from Shakespeare to Sondheim. I am interested in reinventing classic roles and creating new roles. I love exploring works that combine different kinds of skills. I want to invite people to really think about themselves and their world When I’m not performing, I am usually knitting, baking, or quoting Spongebob (does having a Spongebob reference for every situation count as a special skill?)





