
Andrew Munn
Andrew Robert Munn was born in Palo Alto, California in 1986. He pursued a bachelors degree in voice at the University of Michigan, where he studied with George Shirley and Stephen West.
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Andrew Munn

Andrew Robert Munn was born in Palo Alto, California in 1986. He pursued a bachelors degree in voice at the University of Michigan, where he studied with George Shirley and Stephen West. A political and ecological awakening in 2007 led Andrew to dedicate himself to the movement for climate justice. Until 2014, he lived in the Appalachian mountains, working as a leading organizer in a constellation of community resistance to mountaintop removal coal mining. A collaboration with the composer Nate May and the intimate fusing of poetry and music in the lieder of Franz Schubert brought Andrew back to the singer’s path. He honed his craft under the mentorship of Dawn Upshaw and Sanford Sylvan at the Bard Graduate Vocal Arts Program (MM 2016) and The Juilliard School (GD 2018). He has performed on opera and concert stages across Europe and North America, including Carnegie Hall, Deutsche Oper Berlin, Bard Fisher Center, Innsbrucker Festwochen der Alten Musik, Lincoln Center, and Opera na Zamku. As the engine of his ongoing creative work, he founded the collaborative hub and duo+ Chimera with pianist Rami Sarieddine in 2019. The duo+ combines a deep exploration of the art song repertoire with a taste for informed experimentation, focusing on the relationship between, and inseparability of, human and natural forces. The duo+ has presented recitals in Abu Dhabi, Athens, Berlin, Paris, New York, and Nicosia.





