Navarro Currenti

Michele Navarro Currenti
Michele Navarro Currenti - (Mountain Lakes, NJ), soprano, is a recent graduate of the Maryland Opera Studio at the University of Maryland. She sang the roles of the Vixen (The Cunning Little Vixen), and Dalinda (Ariodante) in her 2019-2020 season. She is currently performing First Lady (Die Zauberflöte) as a Virtual Studio Artist with Opera Neo.
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Michele Navarro Currenti

Michele Navarro Currenti - (Mountain Lakes, NJ), soprano, is a recent graduate of the Maryland Opera Studio at the University of Maryland. She sang the roles of the Vixen (The Cunning Little Vixen), and Dalinda (Ariodante) in her 2019-2020 season. She is currently performing First Lady (Die Zauberflöte) as a Virtual Studio Artist with Opera Neo. Her recent roles include: Susanna (Le nozze di Figaro - NJ Vocal Arts Collaborative), Ismail (Hajar: World Premiere - Maryland Opera Studio) and covering the role of Rose Maurrant (Street Scene). Michele was the First Prize Winner of the Camille Coloratura Competition (2019), is a soloist with the Maryland Bach Cantata Series, premiered Joel Thompson’s La Lluvia with the Yale Philharmonia, and is a soloist at Christ the King in Alexandria, Virginia. She completed a Bachelor of Music at the Eastman School of Music and a Bachelor of Science in Brain & Cognitive Science at the University of Rochester. In her free time, Michele loves to run, hike, and try new bread recipes.

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