
Wendy Moy
(She/Her) Dr. Wendy K. Moy is a conductor, soprano, educator, and nonprofit founder from Washington State. She was recently named the third-place winner of The American Prize in Choral Conducting, professional division.
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Wendy Moy

Wendy K. Moy is the Co-Founder and Co-Artistic Director of the professional ensemble, Chorosynthesis Singers. They recently released on the Centaur Records label Empowering Silenced Voices, a 2-CD collection of new music on themes of social consciousness and established the Empowering Silenced Voices Database for Socially Conscious Choral Music. A strong advocate for collaboration and new music, Moy has premiered/commissioned numerous new works by established and emerging composers. Moy has also served as the Director of the Eastern Connecticut Symphony Chorus and the Artistic Director of the Hartford Gay Men’s Chorus. She recently made her conducting debut with the Eastern Connecticut Symphony Orchestra and Chorus. Moy is a frequent clinician and guest conductor with ensembles of all levels. Selected as an American Choral Directors Association (ACDA) International Conducting Fellow, Moy made her international conducting debut with the Coral da Universidade Federal da Gazzi de Sá at the Festival Paraibano de Coros in João Pessoa, Brazil. She soon followed this with her Asia conducting debut in Shenzhen, China. Moy was named the 3rd place winner of The American Prize in Choral Conducting, professional division in 2017. Under her co-direction, Chorosynthesis Singers was named the 2nd place winner of The American Prize in Choral Performance, professional division with a special citation for Extraordinary Commitment to New Music in 2018. Additional honors include being selected for the National Endowment for the Humanities Bach Institute in Germany, the Conductor’s Retreat at

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