Universidad Privada Antenor Orrego



The Antenor Orrego Private University is an academic institution of the highest scientific, technological and humanistic level, which seeks to cooperate with the collective efforts of the country and the region, as well as participate in the achievement of the development objectives that our country deserves. For this reason, it responsibly and complacently assumes the professional, scientific and cultural training of youth who seek to achieve the highest levels of competitiveness in their chosen professional career. In the spirit of each young person, who is already our student, we confront the energy and enthusiasm, to dedicate themselves to building their lives and serving others, in the context of national life. With the effort shared and built by the university community, studious youth are offered a physical and modern structure for study: classrooms, laboratories and equipment, as well as recreation and art practice environments, available to the university population. The University does not neglect updating its equipment with state-of-the-art technology, since it expects its graduates to perform without problems and become familiar with the industrial infrastructure of the jobs they must occupy and perform when they join the labor and occupational world. In addition, with legitimate pride, we exhibit teaching not only with the highest academic qualifications, but also with excellent intellectual and professional preparation, with highly prestigious achievements and recognition in the respective professions and specialties that they cultivate. The relatives of Orreguian youth, who place their trust in our University, are sure of the effort we make every day and that characterizes our permanent work so that students achieve comprehensive training: scientific, technological, artistic, ethical, with practical of essential values ​​that strengthen the human quality of each one of the members of the university community, with clear projections to the national group, in the context of Latin American nations and other geographical and social spaces.

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