We are a diverse, integrated, and growing urban parish, embracing both the catholic and the protestant traditions of the Church. Somos una parroquia urbana y integrada de pueblos diversos. Abarcamos tradiciones católicas y protestantes.
Our Parish has a history of involvement in the Mt. Auburn community. The first HeadStart Program in Mt. Auburn was here; The Mt. Auburn Community Council first met here; Bethany House (a shelter for homeless mothers and children) began in our Rectory; AIDS Volunteers of Cincinnati (AVOC) had its first office here. For twenty years we were proud to be home to the New Spirit Metropolitan Community Church. Tenemos una historia de acción en la comunidad, incluyendo HeadStart, Concilio de la Comunidad Mt. Auburn, casa de refugio para mujeres y niños, organización de apoyo para personas afectadas de SIDA, y la Iglesia Comunidad Metropolitana.