Marie-Catherine LaPointe

Current Position
Boulev’Art Artists’ Management, Montréal, Canada
Marie-Catherine LaPointe
Boulev’Art Artists’ Management, Montréal, Canada
Marie-Catherine LaPointe
Boulev’Art Artists’ Management, Montréal, Canada
Marie-Catherine LaPointe

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Boulev’Art Artists’ Management, Montréal, Canada
Marie-Catherine LaPointe
Boulev’Art Artists’ Management, Montréal, Canada
Marie-Catherine LaPointe
Boulev’Art Artists’ Management, Montréal, Canada
Marie-Catherine LaPointe


(She/Her) After studies in music and in administration, among other things, Marie-Catherine turned towards arts management. She worked for several cultural organizations across Canada (including the Sherbrooke symphony Orchestra, Ensemble Anonymus, Les Violons du Roy and the Carrefour de Théâtre de Québec) and undertook internships overseas.
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Marie-Catherine LaPointe

After studies in music and in administration, among other things, Marie-Catherine turned towards arts management. She worked for several cultural organizations across Canada (including the Sherbrooke symphony Orchestra, Ensemble Anonymus, Les Violons du Roy and the Carrefour de Théâtre de Québec) and undertook internships overseas. Since she founded Boulev'Art Artists’ Management in 1995, she has sat on several Boards of Directors. Enthusiastic globetrotter, she has a passion about Asia and Europe. Marie-Catherine likes performing arts, cooking, reading and spending time with friends, who have to understand her atypical hours...