Currently, he is employed by the CM Performing Arts Center as their Marketing Coordinator, as well as Assistant Set Constructor, and a regular performer for the organization.
Brendan Noble is an Actor/Director/All Around Marketing Guru living on Long Island.
They've been involved in the world of Networking/Marketing since before the age of Social Media, back during the golden days of putting flies under windshield wipers and hoping not to be caught by parking lot security guards, good times!
They've also been involved in the theatre world since the age of 13.
Biggest Theatre accomplishments include originating the role of Lucifer in The Living Dead Mafia and the Gary/Billis/Jesse character track in IN PIECES. They were also part of the Marketing Team for Gettin' The Band Back Together on Broadway.
When not working, they can probably be found playing Dungeons and Dragons in someone's mom's basement with life long friends from high school.