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Elizabeth Moore
Career Highlights/Education
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Elizabeth Moore

Growing up in midcoast Maine, I was surrounded by music at an early age. I began studying violin at six, but have earlier memories of hanging out in guitar cases along the back of the stage as my father played and called for contra dances. Whether playing folk music, participating in ensembles through Bay Chamber Concerts, or singing every chance I got, I developed my musical interests in a small yet supportive community. After discovering the beautiful resonance of the viola, I went on to study at the University of North Carolina School of the Arts with Sheila Browne, and at Boston University College of Fine Arts with Karen Ritscher. As Palaver evolves, I am constantly inspired by my colleagues; we push each other to perform at a higher level, and to continually reexamine the ways in which we approach music itself and our role as musicians in the world. As Programming Director for the ensemble, I am thrilled by the range of ideas we collectively bring. It’s so fulfilling to develop these into concrete programs, partnerships, and collaborations. In addition to my work with Palaver, I teach privately in Portland, ME as well as at the Portland Conservatory of Music, Bay Chamber Music School, and Palaver Music Center. When not making music or teaching, I am usually chilling with my cats Benji and Billie, gradually turning my apartment into a houseplant jungle, and diving into the world of Sichuan cooking.


