
Ruth Moreno
Born in Costa Rica, oboist Ruth Moreno-Calderon has performed with several major orchestras and ensembles such as Mississippi Symphony Orchestra, Meridian Symphony Orchestra, Young Orchestra of Costa Rica, Mahler Ensemble, Cartago Symphony Orchestra, University of Costa Rica Symphony Orchestra, William Carey Symphony Orchestra, among others.
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Ruth Moreno

Born in Costa Rica, oboist Ruth Moreno-Calderon has performed with several major orchestras and ensembles such as Mississippi Symphony Orchestra, Meridian Symphony Orchestra, Young Orchestra of Costa Rica, Mahler Ensemble, Cartago Symphony Orchestra, University of Costa Rica Symphony Orchestra, The University of Costa Rica Wind Ensemble, The University of Southern Mississippi Symphony Orchestra, William Carey Symphony Orchestra, among others. 

Ms. Moreno has received masterclasses with several world-renowned oboists such as Gordon Hunt (London Philharmonic), Alex Klein (Chicago Symphony), Pedro Diaz (solo English horn at the Metropolitan Orchestra),  Jacques Adnet (Paris Conservatoire), Margaret Marco (Kansas University), Tim Gocklin (Grammy Award), Travor Mowry (First Chair President’s Own United States Marine Band), Rachel Ingleton (Royal Opera House Orchestra), among others. 

In 2019, The University of Costa Rica awarded her with the Fine Arts Academic Excellence Award and The University of Southern Mississippi awarded her with the Dean’s List the same year. In 2022, The University of Southern Mississippi awarded her with the Jay Dean Symphony Woodwind Endowment.

Ms. Moreno has attended several International Music Festivals such as Santa Catarina International Music Festival in Brazil, I English Horn Seminar in Costa Rica, Manuel Maria Gutierrez Orchestra Music Festival in San Jose, Costa Rica, among others.

She holds a Pre-College degree in Oboe Performance from The University of Costa Rica, and a Bachelor’s and Master’s degree in Oboe Performance from The University of Southern Mississippi. Currently, Ms. Moreno is a Doctoral student in Oboe Performance at The University of Nebraska-Lincoln under the guidance of Dr. William McMullen.



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