National Association of Teachers of Singing (NATS)


Errik Hood

Was SNATS Chat Host, Mentor Tea....

Mary Letellier

Was Vice President, Maine.

Miya Higashiyama

Performed as Participant Semifinalists Qualifier Rounds.

Jessica Gonzalez-Rodriguez

Performed as Participant Masterclass with Susan Graham.

Alexandra Plattos Sulack

Soprano, Acrobat, Actor, Educator, Private Teacher, Teaching Artist
Is Member in Member.

Theresa Brancaccio

Did a project Vanquishing Vocal Fatigue.

WTO Company
This Stagetime member is part of the 2023 Wolf Trap Opera company.

Winona Martin

Was National Competition Winner.

Courtney J. Fletcher

Voice, Educator, Private Teacher, Professor, Teaching Artist, Assistant Professor of Voice
Performed as Soloist NATS Artist Awards Semifina....