Breckenridge Creative Arts


Breckenridge Music Festival

Breckenridge Creative Arts was developed by the Town of Breckenridge to support and promote arts, culture and creative experiences throughout Breckenridge. Steeped in culture and heritage, the Town of Breckenridge is filled with creative and adventurous people enjoying a vibrant lifestyle. Breckenridge provides a unique mix of artistic and creative opportunities for people of all ages and interests. Through visual and performing arts, cultural heritage, craft education, culinary and healing arts, design, film and writing, the community offers a scenic mountain environment with diverse opportunities for individual self-expression and creativity. At the core of the Breckenridge creative community are a number of long-standing cultural organizations, including: Breckenridge Backstage Theatre, Breckenridge Film Festival, Breckenridge Heritage Alliance, Breckenridge Music Festival, and National Repertory Orchestra. Established in 2014, Breckenridge Creative Arts (BreckCreate) was developed by the Town of Breckenridge to support and promote arts, culture, and creative experiences throughout Breckenridge. This division of town government, which will branch off to become its own multidisciplinary nonprofit organization in 2015, is responsible for the successful management of a series of programs, facilities, and partnerships that collectively animate and populate a cultural corridor in the heart of downtown Breckenridge. From quality performing and visual arts to the development of one of the region’s newest arts districts, Breckenridge Creative Arts is a transformative force for Breckenridge and the greater Summit County community.

Stagetime Members with a relationship to Breckenridge Creative Arts Breckenridge Music Festival

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See Stagetime performing artists, administrators, staff and others who
have a current or past relationship to Breckenridge Creative Arts.