First Congregational Church Palo Alto - Congregational C

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Join us in worship on Sunday Mornings at 10:00 a.m. in the sanctuary, with full choir and organ. Children's time and Sunday School are provided during this service. Welcome to the First Congregational Church of Palo Alto, United Church of Christ. We believe that God is still speaking, and continues to reveal new truths if we will listen. We value: •Diversity of background and beliefs •Strong Christian education for all ages, with lively and engaging programs for children, youth, and families •Stimulating, challenging, and inspiring sermons •A vibrant and varied music, arts, and theater ministry •Outreach to our community and world •An extravagant welcome to all. If you understand faith as a matter of mind as well as heart, and that taking the Bible seriously means it cannot always be taken literally... If you know that God's love embraces all persons equally, no matter their gender, race, or sexual identity... If you believe Christ calls us to be global citizens, that the social expression of love is justice, and that spiritual concerns are inseparable from commitment to the natural world... If you've wished for a more open and embracing community of faith to nurture your spirit and raise your children... Then we invite you to explore the many ways that God is still speaking and welcome you to FCCPA. We invite you to join us for worship and fellowship!

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