St. David’s Church was established in 1906 and is located in the heart of the Roland Park section of northern Baltimore City. We are a congregation of the Episcopal Diocese of Maryland and we seek to honor and serve Christ through our Liturgy & Music, and by our various ministries of Christian Education, Outreach, Hospitality, and Pastoral Care.
If you are in search of a church home, visiting family or friends, traveling through the Baltimore area, or simply interested in learning more about us and The Episcopal Church, we invite you to come and see!
In honor of Veterans Day and the recently passed All Saint’s Day, this recital presents many ways to say goodbye and to grieve. We so hope you will join us and stay for a beautiful evensong featuring compositions by our friend Morgan Sullivan.
We are ever grateful to Douglas Buchanan and St. David’s Roland Park for having us!
The program includes works by:
David Conte & Christina Rossetti, Francis Poulenc & Louise de Vilmorin, Erich Korngold & Christina Rossetti, Peter Lieberson & Pablo Neruda, Ricky Ian Gordon & Langston Hughes, and Gunnar de Frumerie & Pär Lagerkvist