Pei-Hsuan Lin

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Pei-Hsuan Lin

Taiwanese pianist Pei-Hsuan Lin has performed internationally as both a solo pianist and a collaborative pianist. 

A passionate recitalist, she has performed at Weill Recital Hall and Zenkel Hall at Carnegie Hall, Field Concert Hall, Françoys-Bernier Concert Hall, Harris Concert Hall, Wheeler Opera House, and Duomo di Todi. Now a highly sought after collaborator in vocal music, she served as a rehearsal pianist for productions of Pride and Prejudice, The Hiding Tree, La Rondine, Così fan tutte, Die Zauberflöte, Later the Same Evening, La bohème, Proving Up, as well as an extensive list of song repertoire.

Lin was selected to participate in Renée Fleming’s SongStudio at Carnegie Hall in 2023. She was a Collaborative Piano Fellow at the Aspen Music Festival, Fall Island Vocal Arts Seminar. Her other summer engagements have included The Collaborative Piano Institute, Domaine Forget International Music Festival, and Todi Music Academy.

Her upcoming engagements include serving as a rehearsal pianist and harpsichordist for productions of Don Giovanni with Maryland Opera Studio and serving as an apprentice coach at Merola Opera Program for the 2023 summer season.

Lin received a Bachelor of Music in Piano Performance from the National Taiwan Normal University, duo Master’s degrees in Piano Performance and Collaborative Piano, and a Graduate Diploma in Vocal Accompanying from the Peabody Conservatory. She is the recipient of the 2018 Clara Ascherfeld Award and 2021 Sarah Stulman Zierler Prize in Accompanying from Peabody. She is currently in her second year at the University of Maryland, pursuing a Doctor of Musical Arts in Collaborative Piano. Her teachers include Rita Sloan, Eileen Cornett, Craig Kier, Kathleen Kelly, Alexander Shtarkman, Grace Chung.

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