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Noa Luz

Noa Luz Barenblat
Noa Luz Barenblat is an actor+ based in New York City. She earned her BM in music theater from Baldwin Wallace Conservatory of Music in 2019. She also studied acting at RADA in London and at the Danish Academy of Musical Theater in Denmark.
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Noa Luz Barenblat

Noa Luz Barenblat is an actor+ based in New York City. She earned her BM in music theater from Baldwin Wallace Conservatory of Music in 2019. She also studied acting at RADA in London and at the Danish Academy of Musical Theater in Denmark. She loves to learn. She believes fiercely in the importance of art in our world. She believes nothing is ever perfect — and that’s a good thing. She strives to use the stories she tells as a way to bring about joy, change, and healing.

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