
Jessie Bittner
(she/her/hers) Jessie is a singer, actor, music educator, and multi-instrumentalist from Appleton, WI. Mom signed her up for violin lessons at age four, beginning on a “violin” made of a Kraft Mac and Cheese box. She gradually expanded her studies to include piano, French horn, and ultimately focused her training on voice and acting. Jessie is a proud alum of Indiana University, and she is currently based in New York City.
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Jessie Bittner

Jessie is a performing artist and music educator from Appleton, WI. She began studying violin at age four, and gradually expanded her studies to include piano, French horn, voice, and acting. She is a proud alum of Indiana University, where she studied Vocal Performance and Musical Theatre with Jane Dutton and Ray Fellman. She also offers private voice, violin, and piano lessons, working one-on-one with students to provide accessible arts education. 

Jessie considers herself a multi-hyphenate artist with experience in theatre, opera, choral work, music directing, and training in a variety of instruments. As an adaptable and versatile artist, she creates moments of clarity that illuminate the power of humanity in the world. Jessie is also working to intersect her art with her advocacy for mental health awareness and body neutrality.

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Special Skill

Musical Theater

Classical Crossover Music

