Annie Penner Gilstrap

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47 Connections | 33 Followers
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(She/Her) Annie Penner Gilstrap became captivated by the performing arts at an early age through her love of the violin and musical theater and has since been committed to the management, coordination, and promotion of vocal classical repertoire. Her diverse experience as an artistic administrator, digital media manager, and classical singer aid in her ability to manage production operations, tell compelling stories about classical music through media, and share the artform in a way that resonates with artists and audiences alike. 
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The Atlanta Opera

2022 - Present
Atlanta, GA

Artistic Associate

2022 - Present
Assists Director of Artistic Administration with casting inquiries and tracking, budget management, database management, contracts, auditions, future planning, and dispersing production information to company; Acts as Artistic Liaison to the marketing department, contributing expertise and insight for content programming based on season, production details, and artist involvement. Provides artistic POV for the company's social media platforms; Manages and schedules all aspects of Young Artist opera training program including curriculum, programming, auditions, rehearsals, coachings, and performances; Manages budgeting, payroll, and any other financial needs of department; Arranges artist and production travel, housing, and transportation logistics, and manages a full database of all artists, agents, and productions. Coordinates all artist collateral program assets for program.

The Dallas Opera

2019 - 2022
Dallas, TX

Digital Stage and Artist Development Administrator

2021 - 2022
Programmed, scheduled, managed, and maintained all aspects of Digital Content; Managed digital content team; Oversaw all logistical planning, programming, and marketing for digital content, including copywriting and original content and live-streamed performances; Planned and managed Digital Media budget; Collaborated with marketing department in preparation and creation of assets promoting both digital and live performance programming; Provided video editing services for various company departments on an as-needed basis, including donor and board video projects; Managed BMI quarterly dues for music rights and royalties including payments and reporting.

TDO Network & Social Media Manager

2020 - 2021
Part of the team that conceptualized, designed, and developed Dallas Opera's digital content platforms TDO Network and thedallasopera.TV; Rebranded company's social media accounts. Strategized content calendar and maintained consistent presence on all social media channels; Utilized graphic design and video editing skills in content creation; Programmed and executed TDO Network series content including copy, imagery, and video; Created ad campaigns and digitally marketed all social media content via Meta Business Suite and Google SEO. Maintained monthly insights reporting; Updated website as needed.

Artistic Coordinator

2019 - 2020
Coordinated artist travel/housing arrangements; Managed calendars, meetings, and travel arrangements for company executives; Completed routine payroll and expense reporting; Arranged logistical planning and staffing support for rehearsals, productions, events, and auditions; Maintained Artistic Department calendars, databases, and all contract-related administration; Created and formatted recital program translations.


Annie Penner Gilstrap

Annie Penner Gilstrap became captivated by the performing arts at an early age through her love of the violin and musical theater and has since been committed to the management, coordination, and promotion of vocal classical repertoire. Now, with five years of multifaceted professional experience in the arts and digital media realms, Annie is a creative and strategic arts administrator specializing in the management, coordination, and promotion of the arts. During her time with The Dallas Opera and The Atlanta Opera, she worked directly with the productions and artists learning to create compelling stories about classical music through digital media, and she fell in love with sharing art in a way that resonates with artists and audiences alike. 

As a Digital Stage Administrator at The Dallas Opera, Annie played a pivotal role in conceptualizing, designing, and developing the TDO Network. In her role as Social Media Manager, she successfully rebranded the company's social media accounts, implementing a strategic content calendar that ensured a consistent presence across all channels. Her commitment to excellence led to her position at The Atlanta Opera, supporting the artistic department, administering the Glynn Studio Artists and acting as the artistic liaison to the marketing department. Her passion remains with digital media, however, and she is quite excited to center arts marketing once again in her work for Ravinia. 

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